2Care is an integrated information system, designed to streamline the procedures of health care structures who’s mission is to focus on curing the patient while maintaining the structure efficient.
2care is a modular system that offers high level operational performances combined with maximum flexibility and customization.
2Care offers a number of solutions: for medical personnel in managing patients, for administration offices in facilitating and accelerating the repetitive daily tasks and for management offices in monitoring performance indicators and statistics.
This is the ideal software solution for companies that deal with dubbing Tv and movie productions.
It was created in early 2000 and it evolved to its current version which includes all the tools needed for managing the organization, the artistic and the administration departments, in the field of dubbing.
Dubbing supports all experts working on the scenes, counting lines, managing shift rotations, offering the chance to automatically generate contracts, gathering data for final balances and managing the accounting regarding the artists.
Thanks to the various automatic functions such as the screenplay elaboration and the creation of contribution files, the system speeds up and simplifies the management of the overall production, educing the manual activities to the minimum.
Lambda is the ideal software to manage the activities of fieldworkers, maximizing their efficiency and the quality of their interventions.
Lambda is made up of two components, Lambda WEB and Lambda Mobile, which have been developed with state of the art technology.
Lambda WEB is the component dedicated to the fieldworker’s supervisors in order to manage and finalize the balances of the various activities. The application offers the chance to freely define the operational processes and assist the scheduled assignments while furnishing the tools to verify and analyze the correct implementation of the activities. It also guarantees the compliance with security regulations, standardizes the procedures and the quality of the interventions while offering immediate usability of all the data gathered on the field.
Lambda Mobile is the application for mobile devices dedicated to all personnel that carries out interventions on the field. Just like a “tool box”, it offers various features aimed at supporting daily activities as well as the chance to have all the data at hand, available and ready to use in full autonomy.
Tailorware is a program indicated by the client, making available to all users the required information, offering usability procedures which are perfectly in line with the company’s operational flows
The creation of these high added value applications are the result of the expertise we have acquired during company assessments as well as the ability of our skilled professionals in engineering the identified solutions.
For over twenty years we’ve been creating tailored programs in the fields of multimedia, social awareness, manufacturing, health and utilities.